Rebekah Hampshire is a holistically-driven interior designer with big picture vision 

With extensive studies and qualifications in design, interior design and fine art, Rebekah confidently connects colour, materiality and composition without fear of pushing boundaries. 


Based on the Mornington Peninsula, Rebekah is a holistically driven interior designer with big picture vision. She looks at how spaces intrinsically connect and interact with each other including the exterior and local surrounds to find the best possible design solutions for function, form and life style.

With extensive experience and qualifications spanning interior design, visual merchandising and fine art, Rebekah confidently connects colour and materiality to composition and layout. Every detail and design element is considered for the greatest outcome, and an ever enthusiastic and explorative attitude is in place to achieve it. 

Rebekah works collaboratively with clients, architects, builders, and trades to make clear design decisions and create a perfectly tailored space.

We engaged Rebekah to style a newly completed project as well as on-set styling for a recent photoshoot. Her professionalism and eye for detail was impressive and our client was very happy with the end result.
— Client